
Multichain Intent

Move your assets between blockchains with 0 liquidity.

Multichain Intent Kernel

0 Liquidity

When self bridging there is no need to consider slippage or liquidity.

ZK Witness

NIZK Argument for state replication and Data integrity guarantees

Asset Recovery

Rely on the safety of Ethereum for your assets.

Say Goodbye to Bridges

Our First mainstream Application

Superchain ERC20

Say goodbye to Bridges

Auto Asset Recovery

Modular Data Availability

Fully Non Custodial

Only you Hold your Tokens

Evolving with your aspirations

From Ethereum to Rollups and beyond, we're right there with you; We are curating tailored experiences and aligning your journey seamlessly harmonizing with your aspirations. Beyond product experience, we strive to deliver distinctive on-chain moments for you.


Security and Audits

Formal Audit

Check Report

Security Audit

Check Report

Security Audit

Check Report

Build multichain protocols.

If you are interested in building with a new type of multichain primitive please reach out.